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Emma H.
28 août 20243 min de lecture
Natural candle frosting
Do you have natural candles that have been sitting around for many months? Don’t be surprised if they don’t look as fresh and vibrant.
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Emma H.
19 sept. 20236 min de lecture
How to prolong the life of your pillar candles
You, as a consumer, can also influence how your candles burn. The next time you’re buying free-standing candles, keep this in mind.
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Emma H.
19 sept. 20232 min de lecture
Hug your candles
Candle hugging is a candle care technique suitable for (beeswax) pillar candles. Its aim is to encourage the flame to consume all the wax av
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Emma H.
21 juin 20234 min de lecture
Have your candle refilled!
At Heart of Europe Candles we do maximum to reduce waste and reuse materials. It keeps both our customers and us happy! Did you know that...
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Emma H.
5 nov. 20226 min de lecture
What does Heart of Europe candles offer?
Use this article as your starting point. It contains a short paragraph on ALL our products and services in the shop. From beeswax candles...
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Emma H.
25 mai 20224 min de lecture
Succulent candles for plant lovers
Bougies naturelles de colza et de cire d'abeille qui apportent un joli jardin succulent à votre maison. Le cadeau parfait pour la maison !
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Emma H.
9 janv. 20222 min de lecture
Why rapeseed wax candles?
Heart of Europe Candles specialises in non-toxic beeswax and rapeseed wax candles. Why do we choose rapeseed over soy? With the imminent...
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Emma H.
20 nov. 20214 min de lecture
Heart of Europe candle gift sets
A wide selection of pre-made candle gift sets, from small and inexpensive to deluxe options with accessories. Mix and match your own...
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Emma H.
12 sept. 20214 min de lecture
Candles of unusual shapes
Free-standing candles of unusual shapes will leak. This is a reminder to put them on a suitable candle holder. Also, beeswax and rapeseed...
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Emma H.
28 août 20215 min de lecture
Candles with Charm
We are introducing Candles with Charm – candles that contain a little extra, a small ornamental charm pendant that complements the design...
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Emma H.
18 août 20213 min de lecture
How to store your candles
Candles are non-perishable goods and you can keep them for years without lighting them. Yet, there are certain good practices that will...
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Emma H.
4 juin 20216 min de lecture
How do scented candles work?
Let me explain how scented candles work so that you can make the right choice for your home, and enjoy your candle to the maximum. Some...
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Emma H.
4 juin 20214 min de lecture
Alternative methods to clean old candle jars
Last time I gave you a detailed tutorial on how to clean your wax holders, and your old candle jars. Here are some additional methods you...
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Emma H.
15 mai 20212 min de lecture
Scented candle testing
Get a free scented candle in exchange for your feedback! Your help and opinion are very appreciated! As you might know, scented candles...
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Emma H.
8 mai 20214 min de lecture
How to take care of your Pure rapeseed candle
All Heart of Europe Candles customers receive a candle care card. But how much attention do you actually pay to it? Note: This article...
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Emma H.
26 avr. 20214 min de lecture
Heart of Europe Candles origin story
From a candle lover to a candle maker! Consider this article my Heart of Europe Candles shop origin story and mission statement in one.
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Emma H.
9 avr. 20212 min de lecture
Welcome to the Heart of Europe Candles blog!
In addition to all the work related to launching a handmade shop, I’ve decided to start a blog. I have things to say about (my) candles.
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Emma H.
9 avr. 20213 min de lecture
Spring and Easter are here!
Well, here’s a bit of behind-the-scenes scoop: Having an Easter collection wasn’t the plan. 😊 It was a coincidence of me having my birthday
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Emma H.
9 avr. 20213 min de lecture
Handmade in Belgium
Every time I need something for myself, or as a gift, I go to Etsy first and see if I can find what I’m looking for.
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Emma H.
9 avr. 20213 min de lecture
Mother’s Day gift ideas
I’m gradually getting a better idea of all the nice things you can get from small shops, and here are suggestions suitable for Mother's Day.
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